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Fundacion Monte Mediterraneo


Hunger strike

Today is day number 10 in Francisco Casero's hunger strike, being the president of the association for organic values "Ecovalia". It is a hunger strike against corruption, the crises of values, excessive bureaucracy which affects the weakest of all and in favour of rural development, claming for a clear commitment helping organic and extensive agriculture and livestock husbandry. These sectors offer a surplus with their products, create jobs and allow the conservation of unique ecosystems.

As Fundación Monte Mediterráneo we want to pronounce clearly and in public our support to Paco's postulations and give you the chance to sign the following manifest to support Paco's hunger strike: 

More information here:

Photo: Paco Casero and Ernestine Lüdeke at the event in Almonte on February, 20th, 2014.

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