All products are certified organic!
Fundacion Monte Mediterraneo

Cured Productos

100% Ibérico ham "bellota" (ORGANIC)

  • In-bone to slice it from the ham holder, weight ca 7-8 kg
  • Without bone (or in one piece or quartered, vacuum packed) – weight ca 3-4 kg
  • Sliced (80 grams, vacuum packed)

100% Ibérica shoulder ham "bellota" (ORGANIC)

  • In-bone to slice it from the ham holder, weight ca 3-4 kg
  • Without bone (or in one piece or halved, vacuum packed) – weight ca 1,5-2 kg
  • Sliced (80 grams, vacuum packed)

Club Gourmet La Dehesa
Instalación de tienda-cortijo online de productos ecológicos
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